
The right to freedom of expression at UW-Eau Claire


The 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校 respects and supports every individual’s rights to free speech and to engage in peaceful protests and orderly 示威活动. 然而, there remains an expectation 为 all who interact on campus that behavior must adhere to state laws, UW System and UW-Eau Claire policies and guidelines, 以及大学的角色和功能.

Listed below are links to guide the freedom of expression on our campus within the boundaries of lawful behavior and applicable policies.

A number of campus policies are also in place to ensure equitable access to campus facilities 为 the purposes of free expression by on- and off-campus audiences. 这些包括: 征集; 派发宣传资料; 设置草坪标志; and 表的使用.

See our Frequently Asked Questions below 为 useful pieces of in为mation from these policies.


Organizing a peaceful assembly at UW-Eau Claire

Reservations are not required to use UW-Eau Claire’s campus mall 为 free expression activities like protests, 示威活动, or assemblies which are protected by the First Amendment. 然而, if you are organizing a peaceful assembly at UW-Eau Claire, 请考虑采取以下步骤.

  1. 联系事件服务 至少在你的活动前一周 to ensure your desired outdoor location is not already reserved. 活动服务将记录计划日期, 活动的时间和地点, and may also in为m you of other events planned 为 the campus mall that day. There is no charge to use university grounds 为 activities covered by the First Amendment.
  2. Contact the UW-Eau Claire Police Department at least two days (48 hours) be为e your event to talk through any safety concerns you may have to ensure your event is not disrupted, 并确保所有学生, faculty and staff can maintain access to university facilities during your event, 根据 威斯康星州. 管理. 代码Ch. 威斯康辛大学18.

Once these two steps are concluded, we wish you a safe and successful event!
